The Versace Unique is the result of a collaboration between LG, Versace and Modelabs of France, and it aims to bring full touchscreen functionality to the luxury phone market.

For some reason, so-called "luxury phones" tend to be quite basic models clad in precious metals, jewels or rare animal hide. Take an exquisite creation like the BELLPERRE - a lovely thing to look at and quite tastefully done, but if you also need to carry an iPhone so you can look stuff up on the web and get your email then it's not really all that practical.

So, the Versace Unique brings a touchscreen display (reportedly a 3" panel), 5 megapixel camera with flash, 3G support, a multimedia player and an email client. Presumably much of this technology is from LG who are certainly very capable in this arena.

Hand built in France, the Versace Unique has a number of exotic materials in its construction, including a large artificial sapphire coating on the display to prevent scratching, gold or stainless steel inlays and a high-tech ceramic or handmade lacquer face. There's a great big Versace logo on it too, so fashionistas will recognise it for what it is.

We've seen Modelabs designs before, notably in the fabulously expensive Tag Heuer Meridiist which shares some similar design philosophy with the Versace Unique. Given that the MERIDIIST costs over £3000, then it might indicate that the Versace Unique might be a little on the expensive side.

The Unique should be available from next month onwards in select retailers and Versace boutiques. If this sort of thing floats your boat, then you can find more information at


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